
Using Technology for Fleet Street Law

The Lawyers Weekly featured Fleet Street Law in an article discussing the use of technology to enhance legal practice. The article interviews Omar Ha-Redeye and Monica Goyal. How small firms look big by making most of resources by  

Omar Ha-Redeye in the Western Journal of Legal Studies

Omar Ha-Redeye published an article in the Western Journal of Legal Studies: Abstract The recent Supreme Court of Canada decision Clements v. Clements, 2012 SCC 32 provides important guidance on the appropriate application of the material contribution test in cases of negligence. This case commentary will provide an overview of the material contribution and “but […]

Articling Task Force Debate

Omar Ha-Redeye of Fleet Street Law is participating in the lively debate on the future of articling in Ontario. The full panel consists of: Lee Akazaki is a partner with Gilbertson Davis Emerson LLP and certified civil specialist in civil litigation. Akazaki, who graduated from the University of Toronto and was called to the bar in 1990, is […]