Omar Ha-Redeye was awarded the Platinum Jubilee Award on June 10, 2022 for community service. This award was provided in celebration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, as selected by non-political, independent panel of judges.
Going Beyond Mentorship
Omar Ha-Redeye wrote an article in the Ontario Bar Association’s JUST Magazine on modern forms of mentorship, drawing on the experiences at Fleet Street Law, Junior lawyers need direct assistance on their files, accompanying other lawyers to court, or joining them in business negotiations. As a network of sole practitioners, we had the flexibility to […]
In Support of Ryerson’s Law School
Omar Ha-Redeye of Fleet Street Law is featured in Ryerson Law’s new launch, as a business leader in support of the innovative and technology oriented curriculum.
New Years Greetings
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
Omar Ha-Redeye was elected to the Board of Directors for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, an important organization that assists persons with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation.
2018 OBA Board of Directors Election
Omar Ha-Redeye has announced that he is seeking the position of 2nd VP for the Ontario Bar Association (OBA). Fleet Street Law welcomes his vision of bringing an incubator to the broader profession, and encourages OBA Council members to consider voting for him. Vote omar4OBA June 15-29, 2018 from Omar Ha-Redeye on Vimeo. Omar’s election […]
Blood Drive for Canadian Blood Services Grand Opening
Fleet Street Law helped organize a blood drive on May 4, 2018, for Canadian Blood Services Grand Opening of new clinic. The new 4,289 sq. ft clinic has eight beds and can accommodate up to 72 donors a day. The event was hosted in cooperation with the Ontario Paralegal Association.
Winter 2018 UofT Job Shadowing
Alan Zha, Bennet Dawson, Jonta Mariama Kamara, Kimberly Tiara Dias, Leslie Mutoni, Nilufar Jalilvand, Varda Anwar participated in the UofT Job Shadow program with Fleet Street Law on Feb. 20, 2018.
Fleet Street Law Detailed in Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
Omar Ha-Redeye detailed the chronicle of Fleet Street Law as an incubator and best practices for other initiatives in the Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, Volume 34, Issue 1 (2017), in “Cold, Hard Justice Lessons from the Fleet: Innovating from the Bottom Up.” The article is available here, on SSRN, or shortly on the journal’s […]
Julius Alexander Diversity Moot
Omar Ha-Redeye helped judge the Julius Alexander Diversity Moot on Feb. 12, 2016.